Friday, March 20, 2009

18. All the way...a decade of song - Celine Dion


Really, do I have to?

My blog. My Rules. my ears might start bleeding. No one wants bleeding ears.

What was I thinking when I paid money for this?

Obviously I wasn't.

skippable song - all of them?

guilty pleasure - It's all coming back to back to me but I'll listen to the Meatloaf version instead

17. All the pain money can buy - Fastball

I don't know if it's a reflection of the album, but I'd complete forgotten that this album, the band and the songs existed. Yes, more late '90s generic rock?pop?
But I'm enjoying it, you can say maybe I'm stuck in the 90s (and yay, plaid is back. check out my new converse shoes... but it isn't a bad cd to listen to on a Friday night.

Don't know much about the band Fastball, sounds like they have 2 different singers, I shall look them up on wikipedia. Well, apparently this album made Platinum sales within 6 months of release and stayed in the top 200 for a year. The follow up didn't do so well. But looks like they are still around, and will be releasing a new album in 2009. Maybe I'll check it out. 10 years after "all the pain money can buy" it still stacks up as a reasonably listenable disc, so I'll give them a chance this year.

favourite song - the way (it was my favourite back in whatever year it was on the radio) and out of my head

skippable song - sooner or later - just yuck. fast forward please.

Fastball on wikipedia

released 1998 -All the pain money can buy


I took a break. Bought a new ipod - the 120GB, probably the last 'classic' ipod I'll ever purchase. That makes 7 ipods in total. Sold one (my 3g 15gb, and I regret the parting) and broke one (first gen nano)...
bought more music too. But spent the past few months listening and discovering the genius of the New Pornographers, Immaculate Machine and Neko Case.
But there are still too many albums that I've never listened to, so here I am, back at the blog, and churning my way through the "A" section. And there is still a long way to go...