Monday, June 7, 2010

Queens Birthday Weekend

The 10k took a little more out of my legs than I thought - I hadn't felt any ill effects through the day on Saturday.  Yesterday was a different story - I spent about 4 hours in the car and by the time I got home I was certainly feeling every km I'd run. 
I didn't get out for the recovery run I'd hoped for, as the weather was pretty awful when I woke up.  Heavy rain and wind, so I wasn't going to brave that.  Then I woke up a bit sore again today, just went out for a short 2km walk to stretch the legs and get some fresh air, but it wasn't very nice out - not cold, but really windy.
I'm really off the wagon with the healthy eating - stopped at the dairy for a bar of chocolate on the walk...eek, I really need to stop giving Whittakers all my money.  It's just harder when it's so cold and miserable outside.

Tomorrow is another day, it's my usual scheduled running day.  I think I'll just take it slow and run/walk 3km or so.  Hope the rain doesn't ruin my plans.  As long as it's not heavy rain I'll get out there I think.

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