So winter has well and truly started. It's dark, cold and pretty wet. It makes it very difficult to get out of bed at 5am to run on the weekdays. I've been running sporadically over the past couple of weeks. I'm still keen to get out there but I was suffering a bit of SAAD this week and just wanted to get a few more hours sleep.
It didn't help having a couple of nights of broken sleep, getting up to watch NZ play in the football world cup.
I made up for a couple of low mileage weeks with an epic 1 hour 40 minute run this morning...just over 12km. New time/distance record. I was pretty slow, but mentally I felt good. It was nice to wake up early - it was 5C, so not too cold, and I could see that it was a clear morning. The sun came up as I ran the streets and it was a lovely clear sunny morning. Not even a frost.
I really should have stopped at 9km, but I was so close to 10km. Then I hit 10km and I was just under 2km from home. So instead of walking, I ran. Or rather stumbled, rather slowly. Had to run past the house to hit 12km - then had a short 500m walk back to the house. Oh, my legs - I was doing a very good impression of a ultra-distance runner and that wobbly walk once they cross the line. For me 12km is ultra-distance running! For now, anyway.
Since it was Saturday, I did have to get out of the house by mid-morning and run some errands. So more walking...sore feet and all. But it was better than sitting for too long - think I would have seized up.
Over all, I'm a litte sore, but very pleased with myself. Hoping to get out for a short walk tomorrow and then the usual weekday runs. But the weather doesn't look like it will cooperate :(
Glad to see you're still at it. Keep up the good work! We're getting into the brutal part of summer here. :)